Outdoor Play



There is a strong emphasis on the importance of daily outdoor experiences in the Early Years.  Playing and Learning outside provides a wealth of benefits.

At Bexley Manor we endeavour to get outside everyday but as the weather improves we will be spending more and more time out in the garden. There is an enjoyment, wonder and excitement generated when children are outdoors.

Long before children learn to express themselves with pictures and words, they are expressing themselves through movement. Big open spaces allow freedom to move, opening up posture and supporting learning and brain development.

Outdoor learning supports the development of a healthy active lifestyle and it promotes a sense of wellbeing. Playing outside teaches children to understand and respect nature and the environment. It nurtures creativity and promotes problem solving.

The outdoor environment is rich in opportunities to develop imagination and resourcefulness. It encourages independence, calculated decision making and the understanding of risk.

Take a look at some of the wonderful things we’ve been doing outside recently.